Spring Maintenance Tips for Your Home and Vehicle
Now that the snow is finally melting and the sun is shining, many of us have a little extra spring in our step now, but with the change of season, it is unlikely that your car and home are as prepared for the changes and may be a bit “sluggish” from winter weather. So, let’s […]
The Most Commonly Asked Questions in Relation to Automobile Insurance
Automobile insurance can be complicated and confusing to some. Often this type of insurance comes with the highest number of questions from drivers of all ages. In an effort to ensure you are equipped and informed with the right information, below is a brief summary of what we are asked regularly in association with car […]
Do You Have The Facts On Auto Insurance?
Determining whether you need insurance and finding the right provider can be challenging sometimes. Whether it concerns the industry or a specific segment, there are several misconceptions and myths people hold about insurance that make the decision process unnecessarily difficult. Getting the facts and having some insight on how things operate can make shopping for […]
Motorcycle Insurance: Be Sure to Familiarize Yourself with These Considerations
It may be a not so spring month outside right now with all this unexpected snow, but nonetheless, soon enough the warmer temperatures will arrive and spring will officially take shape. With the arrival of the new season also comes the arrival of outdoor play and adventure. If you are a motorcycle enthusiast, chances are […]
Change of Season Brings a Change in Driving Conditions
Winter may not be officially over, but at Will Marshall Insurance, we are definitely pleased with the mild temperatures as of late here in Barrie and Orillia. The days are getting a bit longer and the sunny afternoons, with the lovely sounds of birds chirping, sure makes it feel like spring is coming quicker than […]
Been in a Recent Collision? This is How You Should Proceed
In the event of a collision, you may not be aware of the proper steps to take following its occurrence. Will Marshall Insurance is here to help you complete the claims process so that you can feel comfortable and confident with every step of the process. Here is a basic step-by-step guide to the claims […]