Reduce Your Car Insurance Premiums with These Christmas Gifts

car insurance


Car alarm

If you own a new vehicle, it is probably already equipped with a stock car alarm; an anti-theft device discount that would already be accounted for in your car insurance premiums.

  • If you do not have a car alarm, you may want to consider installing one, as it is the perfect solution for improved security and in doing so, you’ll save close to 10% on your car insurance premiums.
  • Once installed, it’s important that you have documentation that indicates your car does in fact have anti-theft protection. Your broker will need to verify this and that it was installed professionally before your car alarm discount is activated.

Radar Detector

This doesn’t mean you should be disregarding your speed of course!

  • This is simply a useful aid you can take advantage of if you notice you’re driving slightly over the speed limit.
  • A friendly reminder that you speed could be detected at that point would be a great help to get you back on track of the proper speed limit.
  • After you’ve gone three years without a traffic ticket to your name, you may be qualified for a convictions-free discount, which saves you close to 15% on your car insurance premiums.


Distracted driving is a significant concern for Canadian drivers. Did you know that one of Canada’s largest insurers took a stance in defining distracted driving as a major conviction?

  • A Bluetooth device will reduce the likelihood that you’re distracted while driving substantially. As noted above, the longer you’re able to go without traffic tickets and claims, the greater likelihood you’ll be eligible for discounts on your car insurance.

Car Starter

As Canadians we know how brutally cold and snowy the winters can get here, and in many cases we dread having to go outdoors in the freezing temperatures to start our vehicles.

  • Keep in mind that you can be ticketed for not having your windows brushed and/or scraped off properly. The fines and type of ticket will vary based on province, but it is important to note how easy it is to prevent such a ticket with an automatic car starter.
  • Aside from potentially avoiding a ticket improved visibility from all your windows properly improves your ability to drive safely.

Winter Tires

While required in some provinces, in Ontario winter tires are not required by law, but you will receive insurance discounts by having them installed.

  • Even if you’re in a province such as Alberta, where few – if any – insurers offer a winter tire discount, it’s truly in your best interest to get winter tires.
  • Discounts are great, but ensuring you are properly equipped to handle harsh driving conditions is even more important.

Contact Will Marshall Insurance for information on auto insurance, including free quotes.

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